
Prolonged use of a computer keyboard and/or mouse can lead to frequent muscle aches and nerve pain unless a few guidelines are followed. 你可以更舒适地工作 and safely if you incorporate the following ergonomic tips into your work style:


  • Maintain good posture when working at the keyboard. 利用有靠背的椅子. 
  • Keep your feet supported on the floor or on a footrest when you work to reduce pressure 在你的下背部
  • Avoid twisting or bending your trunk or neck. Frequently used items should be positioned directly in 在你面前 and angled upward on a copyholder when working. 
  • Keep your shoulders relaxed with your elbows close to your sides.
  • Avoid resting your elbows on the hard surface or edge of your table. 可以使用护垫 必要时保护肘部.
  • Elbows should be positioned at 100 to 110 degrees when working in order to keep a 键盘前的放松位置. This could require a slight negative tilt (front of keyboard higher than 回来) when working in upright positions. 如果斜倚在你的 chair, the keyboard could be at a positive angle to maintain this relaxed position.
  • Your wrists should be in a neutral or straight position 当键控 or using a pointing 设备或计算器. Wrist rests can assist you in maintaining a neutral position 在停顿时正确使用. Float your arms above the keyboard and wrist rest 当键控. Avoid planting your wrists on the table or wrist rest. 这可能导致 in bending the wrists either up and down or side to side.
  • 休息. These breaks can be brief and should include stretches for optimal results. If possible, take a one or two-minute break every 15 to 20 minutes, or a five-minute 每小时休息一次. Every few hours, get up, move around, and do an alternative activity.


  • Reduce keystrokes with the use of macros or software programs allowing "sticky keys." 使用 scroll locks and keystroke combinations to reduce pointing-device movements.
  • Alternate tasks to make changes in your working position to avoid making the same 长时间的运动.
  • Keep your fingers and knuckles relaxed when working at the keyboard.
  • Never hold a pen or pencil in your hand 当键控.
  • Avoid hitting the keyboard with excessive force. 研究表明,平均 user hits the keyboard with four times the required force 当键控.
  • Avoid holding your pointing device tightly. 你的手应该放松.
  • Rest your eyes by refocusing on distant objects intermittently when working.
  • Position the monitor so that the viewed part of the screen allows you to keep your 颈部处于中立或挺直的位置. The monitor should be centered directly in 在你面前. The top of the computer screen should be slightly below the top of your head, so that you are looking at it with a slightly downward gaze.
  • Position your monitor to eliminate excessive glare or reflections from windows and 照明.


  • 如果有,使用设备(e).g. cart, hand truck) to move the object that are heavy 或者需要长途跋涉.
  • 评估物体的重量. If the object is too heavy or bulky, ask a coworker for 帮助
  • If possible, disassemble larger objects into smaller, more manageable parts
  • Ensure a safe path free of debris, obstacles, and stairs.
  • Ensure a clear line of vision when carrying objects.


  • Stand close with your feet shoulder width apart and face the object
  • Bend your knees, keep your 回来 straight and look forward
  • 用腿抬
  • Keep items close to your body and at waist height


  • Take frequent breaks to interrupt repetitive lifting, mix in tasks that do not involve 举重,休息伸展.
  • 使用 a stool or ladder to reach loads above your shoulders. 尽量靠近货物 as possible before sliding it towards you. Work with your arms and legs — not your 回来.
  • Take extra care with loads under racks or cabinets. 把东西拉向你,试试 to support the load on one knee before you lift, and use your legs to power the lift.
  • Slide objects instead of lifting and carrying them.
  • 推物体而不是拉它们.
  • Plan tasks ahead of time to limit lifting and moving.
  • 使用 hand trucks and push carts to assist with moving objects. 对于非常重的 items, call on an authorized forklift operator.
  • Design your workstation to avoid excessive bending, twisting, and stretching. 使用 工具支持长时间使用工具.

避免滑倒 & 秋天

  • Reduce the risk of slipping on wet flooring:
  • Take your time and pay attention to where you are going and walking
  • Adjust your stride to a pace that is suitable for the walking surface and the tasks 你在做什么?
  • Walk with your feet pointed slightly outward
  • 拐弯处要大转弯


  • Keeping walking areas clear from clutter or obstructions
  • 保持地板完好
  • Always use installed light sources that provide sufficient light for your tasks
  • 使用 a flashlight if you enter a dark room where there is no light
  • Make sure the things you are carrying or pushing do not prevent you from seeing any 障碍物、溢出物等.